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Dr. Pradeep Haldar: Profile


  • Strong record of entrepreneurial, commercialization management, academic and executive leadership with 30+ years of experience in creating and growing interdisciplinary high performance engineering and technology organizations.

  • Successfully negotiated customer agreements and strategic alliances with industrial clients, suppliers, national laboratories and government agencies in Asia, Europe and the U.S.

  • Demonstrated ability to identify market opportunities, to implement strategic and business plans, and to commercialize high-tech related clean-energy and semiconductor products and components.


Dr. Pradeep Haldar

President, Consultant, Entrepreneur, 
Fulbright Fellow



President and Principal


NanoTechnology | Energy | Medical Devices | Semiconductors


Personal Website:

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Halovation                                                                            July 2019-Present

President and Principal: Innovation @ Work

Technology | Energy | Materials | Semiconductor

U.S. Department of State                                                     2019-2021                 

Fulbright Fellow


Dais Corporation                                                                  2018-2019                 

President/Chief Operating Officer


Management and Technology Consulting                         2001-2018                          Consultant/Advisor

NanoTechnology | Clean Energy | Entrepreneurship


U.S. Photovoltaic Manufacturing Consortium                    2011-2017                 

Chief Operating and Technology Officer


Albany NanoTech                                                                  2001-2019                 

Colleges of Nanoscale Science & Engineering/SUNY

Vice President of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Clean Energy Programs

Interim Dean, Founding Professor, Director


SuperPower Inc. (now owned by Furukawa)                       1999-2001                 

Founder and General Manager


Intermagnetics (now Philips)                                                1990-1999                 

Manager and Head, Technology Development Group

Senior Engineer and Project Manager, HTS Group


Johnson Matthey Electronics (now Honeywell)                  1988-1990                 

Development Engineer, R&D Group


Barnett Institute, Northeastern University                           1984-1988                 

Research and Teaching Assistant


Energy Materials Corporation                                               1986                          

Engineering Intern


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY

Executive MBA


Northeastern University, Boston, MA

Ph.D. Materials Science & Engineering and Solid State Chemistry


Indian Institute of Technology,

BHU, Varanasi, India

B. Tech, Metallurgical Engineering




For public traded company Dais Corporation, established strategy/business plan, managed financial and operational performance, implemented plans for North American business development, marketing, sales, technology development and product engineering for multiple products in waste water treatment and energy efficiency.


Created a vision for the E2TAC group and established several new innovative research/educational training initiatives, consortia, centers and programs by collaborating with universities, industry and government organizations. Successful examples include creation of centers for photovoltaics (USPVMC), clean energy (NISE), platform energy technologies (New Energy New York) and Zero Energy NanoTech (ZEN) facilities amongst others.


Worked collaboratively as Interim Dean and team member at the Colleges of Nanoscale Science & Engineering, SUNY, and directly involved with supervising faculty and students; providing strategic planning and execution; managing fiscal and personnel matters; offering entrepreneurial and visionary leadership; and fostering excellence.


Performed strategic business assessment for Intermagnetics and SuperPower through market research, ROI analysis, competitive intelligence, forecasting of technology trends and prototype demonstrations. Participated in business-to-business marketing and prepared proposals for commercial and government clients. Increased new product revenue by 150%.

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Developed prototype products for the computer/semiconductor, medical devices and electric power industries.


Performed business assessment, championed the introduction of new products and performed due diligence and market analysis for new product introduction.


Utilized Stage-Gate process for product innovation incorporating key metrics, assessment tools, best practices for R&D/product development portfolio management, bench marking and rapid product development with short cycle times to successfully transition new products to commercialization.


Managed R&D group with P&L responsibility to guide a market driven, new technology strategy for component manufacturer with core capabilities in high tech materials, electromagnetic devices and system integration.

Clean Modern Desk


P&L Responsibility, Budgeting

Strategic Alliances, Joint Ventures

Business and Technology Due Diligence

Engineering, Technology, R&D Management

Team Building, Leadership

Business Development, Partnerships

Strategic and Business Planning

New Product Development

Competitive Analysis




Directed technology transfer related incubation and acceleration programs (iCLEAN and Tech Valley Certified Incubator); an entrepreneurship-in-residence (EIR) effort; the Tech-Valley Innovation Pipeline (Tech-VIP), a Technology Accelerator Fund (TAF) at SUNY Polytechnic Institute; a partnership with Albany Law School (NextTech); the New York’s Business Plan Competition and the Empire Innovation Challenge (EIC).


Led the spin-out and creation of start-ups in multiple solar PV, energy storage, energy efficiency and bioengineering technologies developed at the Albany Nanotech complex including Lux Semiconductors, Glauconix, BESS Tech, and Eonix.


Championed the introduction of existing and new products at Intermagnetics in non-traditional markets with revenues $50+M. Performed due diligence, market and segmentation analysis, customer value proposition, and business plan preparation in order to make equity investments in strategic partners.

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Nanotechnology Materials

Advanced Photovoltaics


Advanced Fuel Cells


Next Generation Superconductors


Thermo-Electric Devices


Electric Double Layer Capacitors


Energy Efficiency Products


Building Efficiency

Water Treatment Equipment




Smart Lighting


Medical Devices


Power Electronics


Semiconductor Processes and Devices



Established formal policies and processes for customer/client engagement at Dais Corporation to follow-up and closure for increased monthly, quarter and annual revenue by over 100%.


Performed extensive primary and secondary market/economic analysis via utility interviews for product development to determine process bottle necks, barriers to bridge the gap between developers and end-users at E2TAC.


Negotiated partnership agreements worth over $180+M with government and industry partners. This included developing relationships with federal agencies including DARPA, NASA, DOE, ONR, ARPA-E, NYSERDA and others to receive research awards exceeding $100M to build the largest university based clean energy development center in New York State.


Negotiated and finalized multiple Power Purchase Agreements with NextEra and Borrego for ~40MW of remote net metered solar PV projects in National Grid’s region that provide significant financial savings to the institution.


Coordinated and implemented a ~$25M project with state-of the art energy efficiency, energy storage and building energy management systems provided by Fuji Electric, Sony, Tachikawa, Shimizu and Solar Frontier for demonstration at the ZEN facility at Albany NanoTech


Instrumental in negotiating contracts and coordinating formal partnerships with OEM customers including GE, GA, Siemens, Southwire, National Grid, Sumitomo Electric, Waukesha, etc. to develop new products for launch in high growth emerging markets.



Directed and managed the iCLEAN Incubator and the Tech Valley Business Incubator at CNSE that played a vital role in fostering the development of clean energy and advanced technology innovations in the Tech Valley Region that directly supported and incubated over 50 companies


Established and managed the New York State Business Plan Competition, one of the nation’s largest annually hosted student business competitions, with over 500 teams from 60 colleges and universities across New York State that compete for more than $500,000 in cash and in-kind prizes to a judging panel of over 40 regional and national venture capitalists, angel investors, investment bankers, other sophisticated private and public investors, and seasoned entrepreneurs


Provided research, innovation and entrepreneurship expertise at PSG Institute of Advanced Studies (PSG-IAS), Coimbatore, India as part of the U.S. Department of State and the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board Award to India in Academic and Professional Excellence.


Assisted in evaluating market opportunity, industry analysis, intellectual property, technology transfer to enable spin-off company(s) from CNSE including Lux Semiconductors, Glauconix, BESS Tech, Eonix etc., for manufacturing and commercialization of energy storage, solar, medical device and other technologies.


Responsible for formation and startup of rapidly growing SuperPower, a new subsidiary of Intermagnetics General Corporation. SuperPower is involved in commercializing state-of-the-art superconductor components for use in the electric utility industry. Created strategy and business plan for fast growing subsidiary for spin-off from parent company.


Founded and helped manage the national Clean Energy Alliance along with seventeen other clean energy incubator institutions from around the country. The Alliance was created to focus on accelerating the development of energy-related start-up firms and counts some of America's leading energy producers, investors and companies among its supporters.

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Mentorship, Advising for Entrepreneurs and Investors


  • PhotoVore – Medical App for Pre-diabetic Patients

  • Eonix – Ionic Liquids for SuperCapacitors

  • Lux Semiconductor – Novel Substrates for Semiconductor Deposition

  • BESS Technology – New Anodes for Lithium-ion Batteries

  • Glauconix – Nano-scaffolds for Evaluating Glaucoma Drug Treatment

  • Ecovative Design – Biodegradable materials

  • QM Power – Efficient Motors

  • Zeropoint Energy – Biomass to Energy Conversion

  • Custom Electronics – Back-up Power for Wind Turbines

  • Prism Solar technologies – Advanced Solar Modules

  • Nextek Power Technologies – Power Electronics for Generation Systems

  • Ener-G-Rotors, Inc. - Low-grade waste heat recovery power generation

  • Custom Electronics - Manufacturer of high voltage mica paper capacitors

  • Princeton Power Systems – Large Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems

  • Starfire – polymers for Silicon Carbide based advanced materials

  • Canrom Photovoltaics – thin film solar cells

  • MTech Laboratories – cryogenic power electronic devices

  • Inverters Unlimited Inc. – solar PV inverters




  • Fulbright Scholar Award, U.S. Department of State (2019-2021)

  • Business Review Technology Award for Energy/Sustainability, Albany, NY (2017)

  • Distinguished Visiting Professor, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India (2014)


  • Distinguished Alumnus Award, IIT (BHU) Varanasi (2013)


  • President’s Excellence in Research Award, University at Albany, SUNY (2008)


  • Promising Inventor Award, The Research Foundation, SUNY (2005)


  • MIKE Award, Albany-Colonie Chamber of Commerce with Albany NanoTech Executive team (2005)


  • Fellow, Institute of Physics (IoP) (2001)


  • Materials Research Society – Recognition for Service to Society (1994)


  • Johnson Matthey Research Award (1989)


  • Gustel Giessen Research Award  (1988)   



  • Executive Advisory Board/Judge, NY Tech Valley First Robotics Competition (2014-2017)


  • Chair, Board of Trustees, Academy of Holy Names, Albany, NY (2014-2016)


  • Board Chair, Children’s Museum of Science & Technology (2014-2017)


  • Board Member, Albany Symphony Orchestra (2013-2017)


  • Board Member, U.S. Photovoltaic Manufacturing Consortium (2011-2017)

  •  Board of Directors, Technology Transfer Society (2011)


  • Review Panelist, President’s Council of Advisors for Science & Technology, to review the National Nanotechnology Initiative(2010)

  • Judge: New York Academy of Sciences Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists (2010)


  • Governance Committee, New York – Battery and Energy Storage Technology Consortium (2009-2010)


  • Chair, U.S. DOE NREL’s Clean Energy Alliance (2006-2008)


  • Member, Technology Council of the Center for Economic Growth (2004)

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  • Output: 

    • Over 206 publications in premier journals and conference proceedings

    • Over 180 invited or contributed talks across the U.S, Europe, and Asia

    • h-Index 35 (Google Scholar).

    • 4 book chapters;

    • 10 US patents and disclosures.


  • Students: 

    • 19 Masters degrees awarded,

    • 13 Ph.D.’s awarded.

  • Selected Invited Keynotes & Plenaries: 

    • 2009 Mid Atlantic MEMS Alliance Symposium Washington D.C. (Keynote);

    • 2011 US-Japan Workshop on Nanotechnology, Japan (Keynote);

    • 2012 Department of Energy Distinguished Lecture, Washington D.C.;

    • 2012 SEMI North American PV Fab Managers Forum, California;

    • 2012 Conference on Advanced NanoMaterials, India (Keynote);

    • 2012 National Clean Energy Workforce Education Conference, New York (Plenary);

    • 2013 IEEE PVMC Florida (Plenary)

    • 2013 SolarCon, India (Keynote Speaker)




  • Approximately $186M+ funding raised as PI at University at Albany, SUNY Polytechnic Institute and Intermagnetics out of ~$202M overall (including collaboration with others and roles as co-PI).

  • Successfully attracted funding from U.S. gov’t (e.g. DOE, DOD, NASA, NSF), industrial consortia (e.g., PVMC, NY-PEMC, NY-BEST), New York State (NYSERDA, ESD, NYSTAR) and direct industrial support (e.g., National Grid, SoloPower Systems, Global Solar Energy, General Electric etc.).

  • Principal Investigator, COO and CTO of the US Photovoltaic Manufacturing Consortium (PVMC) in 2011. Successfully managed a multi-industry and multi-university consortium led by CNSE addressing next-generation Solar PV thin film manufacturing technologies. $62.5M over 5 years.

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Pradeep Haldar 11-15-2012

Pradeep Haldar 11-15-2012

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Dr. Pradeep Haldar discusses the Intersolar 2013 DOE Sunshot Prize Workshop

Dr. Pradeep Haldar discusses the Intersolar 2013 DOE Sunshot Prize Workshop

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SEFCU, SUNY Poly Announce Winning Student Teams in 7th Annual $500,000 NY Business Plan Competition

SEFCU, SUNY Poly Announce Winning Student Teams in 7th Annual $500,000 NY Business Plan Competition

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Dr. Pradeep Haldar Discusses Key PV Concerns and Solutions at a US PVMC Thought Forum

Dr. Pradeep Haldar Discusses Key PV Concerns and Solutions at a US PVMC Thought Forum

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Dr. Pradeep Haldar: Summary


Pradeep Haldar (born in 1962) is an entrepreneur, technologist and management consultant. He serves as President and Principal of Halovation, a Technology and Management Consulting firm ( based in the Tampa/St. Petersburg are in Florida. He served as President and Chief Operating Officer in a consulting role for Dais Corporation. He previously served as vice president of entrepreneurship, innovation and clean energy programs and founding professor at Albany NanoTech (Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering - CNSE) at the State University of New York (SUNY). Dr. Haldar’s activities are centered around start-ups, public-private partnerships; world-class technology development; R&D; education & outreach; as well as entrepreneurship and commercialization of nanotechnology, clean energy, solar PV, semiconductor and medical device ecosystems. He has over 30 years of industrial and academic experience in these areas with considerable expertise in building open innovation capabilities, strategic alliances, operations management, business and technology strategy, technology portfolio management, and incubation.

Early life and education

Pradeep Haldar was born in Coimbatore, India to Deepankar and Sulochana Haldar and grew up in Kolkata, India with his older brother Sudeep where he attended Don Bosco Park Circus and graduated in 1979. He was admitted to the Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University) in Varanasi in 1979 when he passed the Joint Entrance Exam (JEE). He graduated from IIT with an undergraduate BTech degree in Metallurgical Engineering in 1984 and completed his Ph.D. in Materials Science & Engineering and Solid State Chemistry from Northeastern University under the advisement of William C. Giessen in 1988. He earned a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1999 while working at Intermagnetics.

Career and activities

Haldar now provides consulting and advising services to emerging technology company. He was professor of nanoengineering and nanoeconomics. He was also director of the Energy and Environmental Technology Applications Center. He was founding interim dean of SUNY Poly’s College of Nanoscale Engineering and Technology Innovation at SUNY Polytechnic Institute, and chief operating and technical officer of the U.S. Photovoltaic Manufacturing Consortium (USPVMC) in partnership with SEMATECH. He also served as professor and head of nanoengineering at the University at Albany, SUNY. Prior to that he was director of technology as well as general manager of SuperPower, LLC (a start-up and new spin-out subsidiary of Intermagnetics); as manager of the Technology Development Organization at Intermagnetics General Corporation (now Philips Healthcare); and as senior engineer at Johnson Matthey Electronics (now Honeywell).

He managed iCLEAN, the Clean Energy Incubator at CNSE; the National Science Foundation (NSF) Partnerships for Innovation initiative; served as board member and executive director of New Energy New York Consortium; and is past chair, DOE NREL’s Clean Energy Alliance. He is a board member of USPVMC, Albany Symphony Orchestra and served as board member of the Children’s Museum of Science and Technology and trustee of the Academy of the Holy Names.


He is a senior member of IEEE and an author or co-author of over 250 reviewed technical papers, conference proceedings with several patents issued and pending. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics.


Haldar received the Fulbright Scholar award in 2019 and the Business Review’s Technology Award for Energy/Sustainability in February 2017. He was recognized as a Distinguished Visiting Professor at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore India and received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India in 2013. He received the President’s excellence in research award at the University at Albany in 2008 and the promising inventor award from the Research Foundation of the State University of New York in 2005. He was also a recipient of the MIKE award from the Albany-Colonie Chamber of Commerce with Albany NanoTech’s executive team. Haldar also received the Business Review’s Forty Under Forty award in 2001.

Personal life

Haldar is a naturalized US citizen, married Ritu Haldar in 1991 in Asansol, India and they have two daughters, Shefali and Deepali. He is an avid golfer and currently lives in Tampa, Florida.

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Dr. Pradeep Haldar

President, Consultant, Entrepreneur, Fulbright Fellow





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